Ahoy boys and other potential readers. I hope the oncoming Summer weekend finds you in good spirits. So I'm sitting around at work this afternoon with very little work to do and even less motivation to do it and I had a (rare) thought, "There are so many spectacular artists with singular, unique visions working in comics these days. If I made a list of my top 10 absolute favorites, what would it look like?" I wrote a list that included some twenty-odd names. In order to chisel that list down to ten, I set the ultimate inclusion criterion to be the ten current artists who excite me the most when I see their name on the cover of a new comic. Simple, elegant, subjective, and supremely meaningless; just the way I like it. Over the next ten days I will reveal one artist each day, beginning with #10 this selfsame day. Without further ado, I blowhardedly present...
#10. Davide Gianfelice
I hesitated only so very briefly in putting Gianfelice on my list. His output thus far in comics (at least American comics) has been fairly limited. Nevertheless, his expressive pencils on the first Northlanders story arc ("Sven the Returned") were so spectacular - from his figure studies to his landscapes - he couldn't not fit within my list's overly self-aware parameters. After seeing his art in the recent preview pages of the upcoming Greek Street monthly (written by Peter Milligan) and anticipating the second Northlanders "Sven" arc scheduled for release later this summer, I think (cliche alert) the best is yet to come.
Hey! Stop back tomorrow for #9 if ya feel like it.
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