Shit. What'ya think.
Here's my idea. It's either the Old89ers top 10 albums or songs of all time.
We each submit like our top 25 or 50 albums or songs of all time and put them in a poll. Then we vote to see if there is any carry-over between 2 or 3 of us. Hopefully we get to 10 that way. If not, we take our next favs and throw them in a poll.
Once we have 10 ID'd, we divvy them up some how and write an essay about why we love them so stupidly much.
One comes out every day for 10 days.
What do you think, Orphio and Deutero? You game?
Any other readers - what do you think? I don't fucking know who reads this blog, but make yourself be heard!
Important business, etc ;)
(ps I'm listening to the Pet Shop Boys "It's a Sin" right now and it rules holy ass.)
okey dokey. i'd be leaning towards the list being the top albums instead of songs. seems it'd be easier to compile that way (but whatever).
what a daunting task though. i mean, can i trust myself to honestly know what my own opinion is? probably not. but it'd still be fun.
I'm game, too. Sounds good to me! I still have a plan of doing a series of posts on my favorite philosophers - I even have a folder with photos of them to post with my posts about them. But who knows when I'll get around to that. What I'm trying to say is, yay for lists of favorites. How about we try to get our initial lists done this week?
sounds cool. let's shoot for Friday to get them done. Then if we can sort them out easily we should have next weekend to start working on them. Soundzzz good?
friday it is!
well, i made up a quick list of my all-time favorite albums today and so far i've got over 80 and counting. and i'm sure i'm forgetting some too. i'll be ready by friday with a top 25 (we are doing albums, right?)
my initial list was nearly 60 albums. i'll be curious to see how many we have in common since those will be the ones that make it to the end. so i guess it doesn't hurt to just put 60 or 80 in a list and just see what's what. maybe we will have a lot in common but maybe not. i'm sure we have many artists in common, but albums? who knows...
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