including the two issues of Superman Beyond 3D which are critical to the story. The original hardcover solicitation didn't include these issues. Kudos for DC for adding them. It will also include the issue Final Crisis: Submit, which was a Morrison one-shot issue. The collection will retail for $29.99, but I bet you can get it from Amazon for 20-ish dollars if you would be so inclined. If you are interested, I think it hits stores in early June.
Update: I checked Amazon and it is available for pre-order at the price of $19.79. The release date is June 16th. There will be 352 pages. Now you have more knowledge.
I've been reading the "Countdown to Final Crisis" trades at Barnes & Noble - there are four, and I've read the first two so far. I saw those and thought they'd be good to read to get some context before I get to the ones you recommended. What do you think I should check out next after I'm done with the 'Countdown'? This hardcover you just posted? Or is there anything in between?
Wow. I don't even know where to start with the whole "Countdown" issue. It was almost universally hated for many reasons, notably for being written editorially as opposed to creatively. I actually didn't mind the last bit of the story - BUT - it really has nothing to do with "Final Crisis." The idea was originally to tie it to Final Crisis, but it didn't really work out that way (there are a few exceptions to this, but I won't bother listing them.)
Back to your original question: As Final Crisis is (at least thematically) the third part of the crisis trilogy, you could read the first two "crises" (Crisis on Infinite Earths and Infinite Crisis). There is a lot of tonal similarity (and some story points) in common with Morrison's "Seven Soldiers of Victory" series, there are bits in Final Crisis from Morrison's "Animal Man" series (both literal and thematic, and a great deal in the story comes directly from Kirby (Kamandi, The New Gods etc)... But there isn't really any one great primer for the glory that is Final Crisis
Anyone else reading this? other suggestions?
i just pre-ordered mine copy. june is a long time from now. maybe i'll make some banana bread.
if you do decide to make banana bread, don't forgot to add bananas. Some recipes leave out this bit of information - especially recipes that are for bread.
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