Monday, February 13, 2012

adv time comic

in case you missed it (and are interested) the first issue of the adventure time comic came out last week. you could get the digital version of it if the stores don't have any left (i think i heard it sold out at the distributor level) or you don't want to wait for a reprint / the trade.


shoko said...

recently signed up with heavy ink and mine is on the way. also subscribed to animal man and amazing & ultimate spider-mans. what's good these days?

YoungDayofAllDays said...

sweet tooth is still my favorite - also like Snyder and Capullo's batman. animal man and swamp thing are top notch. excited for Brian K. Vaughn's upcoming book from image, 'Saga.' gonna give the new vertigo comic 'saucer country' a try when it comes out in a month or so. can't beat the mignola-verse stuff like hellboy, b.p.r.d.,witchfinder, either.

shoko said...

glad to hear sweet tooth is still going strong. i've missed so many i think i'll just get the trades someday. read animal man 1 & 2 tho and was totally jeff'd (lemire'd not mangum'd). so good.