I don't know if you boys read any of Grant Morrison's epic summer blockbuster for DC,
Final Crisis, but I thought it was AMAZING. As it finished and I had time to reflect, I think it might be one of my favorite comic runs of all time. Despite its flaws (and it did have flaws,) its hard to imagine another comic book that could match the level of quality, ambition, and poetry of this series. I should be specific - I bought some of the related cross-overs (and enjoyed them too) - but I'm really referring here to issues
Final Crisis 1-7 and
Superman Beyond 1&2 in my gushing praise. If you haven't read it, it's likely you missed the overwhelming backlash and vitriol ALL OVER the internet about this story and Grant Morrison himself (for the past eight months-or-so). That being said by way of introduction, I just have to give it up to Brandon Thomas at Newsarama for writing this:
http://www.newsarama.com/comics/020912-Ambidextrous285.htmlThat's all. Carry on. Cheerio.